Free Score Submission to Mensa for Kids in March
Do you think your kiddo is in the top 2% of thinkers his or her age? Are they constantly asking complicated questions and diving deep into content and ideas that seem beyond their years? Can they focus on a project for a crazy amount of time (we’re not talking about

How to Deal with a Phone Obsessed Spouse
We’ve all seen them…(maybe in our own bedrooms)…people who are addicted to their phones. They can’t stop using them. They’re the last thing they touch each day and the first thing they touch each morning. Not to mention that the phone is distracting them from important conversations, meals, TV shows,

How to Create a Romantic Family Dinner for Valentine’s Day
It’s never too early to teach your kids how to be romantic on Valentine’s Day. At least, that’s what I think! Sure Valentine’s Day might seem like a hoax and a made up holiday. But when you have a family, times get hectic and you sometimes need a holiday to

Wonder Mom: Goal Getter Rebeca Rumayor
Rebeca Rumayor, IT Professional, grew up in the Bronx and is a resident of Queens in New York City where she has worked her tush off to get where she is today. Her 10 year old son attends one of the city’s 5 coveted gifted and talented schools. She lives

Regifting Done Right: 7 Regifting Survival Tips to the Rescue!
With National Regifting Day coming on December 20th, we think it’s a great time to talk about that fine art of recycling your gifts. There’s no doubt that regifting is a tricky business. But, sometimes we end up receiving gifts that were given with the best intentions and still aren’t

Off Beat Christmas Music to Mix Things Up!
We all know and love the classic Christmas tunes. What’s not to love about Andy Williams, Rosemary Clooney, Percy Faith, etc., etc., etc. Of course, we love those. But we also get so tired of hearing them!! And, the 5 million remakes by pop stars and other media sensations help