
Free Score Submission to Mensa for Kids in March

Do you think your kiddo is in the top 2% of thinkers his or her age? Are they constantly asking complicated questions and diving deep into content and ideas that seem beyond their years? Can they focus on a project for a crazy amount of time (we’re not talking about video games or TV!)? Maybe you have test scores that say it, too? But, maybe it’s hard for him or her to make friends that they can really get nerdy with because they aren’t around or you don’t know where to find them. Well, Mensa is an organization that was created to help profoundly gifted people find and socialize with other brainiacs nearby and around the world. They have a special subdivision called Mensa for Kids that is especially for the little ones. And, they’re offering free score submission to Mensa for Kids in March! It’s usually $60!

Submit your scores to Mensa for Kids here

They accept a slew of test scores, but they must have been administered by an official Dept of Education or registered psychologist. Children must score in the top 2% to qualify.

Once they qualify, they are members for life! There are annual dues (less than $10/mo right now) but even if you let those lapse, their membership is never gone. They just reactivate by paying the dues. No new test scores are ever required. If you don’t have qualifying test scores, you can sign up for a test in your town. More information on testing for Mensa for Kids is here.

Mensa for Kids wants to help kids everywhere get a little nerdy by providing FREE content to anyone interested. They have some awesome lesson plans, videos, games, and product partnerships that kids will freak about getting geeky with. Check out these gifted kid games!

Their TED Connections for Gifted Kids section has some really inspiring and fun videos for kids whose brains just don’t slow down…

One of my favorites is this one about the transformative power of classical music. It’s seriously fun to watch! And the extension activities provided by Mensa are awesome for kids who are craving more information afterward.

the power of classical music for gifted children

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