Preschool Back to School Routine Energizers
Getting into the swing of things when kids head back to school is tough. It’s even more tough if it’s your first or second year of pre-school for your family because of separation anxiety, unfamiliar time crunch and wake up times, not to mention so many new people and environments. Get ready for your new preschool back to school routine with some helpful tips from Happi Olsen.
Happi Olson, a mother of four and the VP of Marketing at Creative Kidstuff and host of The Happi House, gives some tips on send your little one back to school in the Fall.
Preschool Back to School Routine Energizers
Allow more time.
This may seem simple, but it truly is a life saver. To avoid stress and potential melt downs allow plenty of time for transitions.
Make sure your pre-schoolers know what is going to be happening.
It may seem like they are not listening. You may be surprised. Use pictures of familiar items and lay them out to let them know how the day will flow.
Prep ahead of time.
Get kids involved when choosing lunches, clothes or anything that will directly impact their day, and plan together.
Know when to call it.
If it’s not working, it just isn’t. Don’t feel bad about taking a break or even removing yourself and your kiddo from the situation. Instant stress relief.
Use down time for “you” time.
Whether your pre-schooler still naps or just has rest time, use it for you. This is different for everyone. It may be a rest or a power cleaning session. Take the time and make it yours.
No one can feel fully prepared when it comes to sending your kiddo off to preschool, but these are the important stepping stones that every child will have to take.
These back to school preschool routine tips are important to have and can be reused for many future “first days” to come.
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[…] And, if you’re going back to preschool, too, be sure to check out our Preschool Back to School Routine Energizers! […]