Posts Tagged

Back to School


This is my first year doing real back-to-school shopping as a mom. I’m trying to channel the excitement that I remember as a kid. The thrill of a new pair of shoes and new school supplies still feels like yesterday in my mind. But, as a busy mom, I’m feeling pretty

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Getting into the swing of things when kids head back to school is tough. It’s even more tough if it’s your first or second year of pre-school for your family because of separation anxiety, unfamiliar time crunch and wake up times, not to mention so many new people and environments.

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For a lot of little ones, including mine, daycare starts to become a part of life at 2 years old. Along with the normal concerns about bullying, separation anxiety and potty training, come some pretty fun concerns like needing to buy a backpack. When we were at a recent meet-up

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