
Moodsters Twitter Party Today!


Moodsters Twitter Party

Tuesday, October 13, 2015
6:00 p.m. PST / 9:00 p.m. EST

Hashtag: #moodsterschat
Hosts: @savvysassymoms @momtrends @themoodsters

Special Guest: @DeniseDanielsEQ

Meet the Moodsters

We are super excited for this Twitter Party with the Moodsters and their creator, talented parenting and child development expert, Denise Daniels. We are celebrating the launch of the Moodsters, a new line of toys and books designed to teach young children the fundamentals of feelings. At the party you’ll meet all five Moodsters — Coz, Lolly, Snorf, Razzy and Quigly — lovable little detectives who come to the rescue whenever their friends, Zach and Zoey, have a feelings emergency. The stories and toys teach simple strategies to build social and emotional intelligence skills in young children and help them with the everyday challenges of growing up.

For our chat, we’ll have a conversation with Denise about Emotional Intelligence (EQ) and she’ll be on with us the entire hour to take your questions, too!

Please join us for this fun and educational chat that parents with kids of all ages will appreciate. You’ll also be able to win prizes from The Moodsters!

Twitter Party Prizing

1.  Feelings Flashlight Set
2.  Moodster Mirror Set
3.  Moodster Meter Set
4. Full Moodsters Set (3) + $25 Target Gift Card
5. Full Moodsters Set (3) + $100 Target Gift Card

Must be participating in the Twitter Party to win.
Must be 18 years of age and a US resident.
Prizing may take up to 3 weeks for delivery.

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