
7 Winter Toddler Activities in Greenpoint

winter activities in brooklyn for babies hate snow They never tell you this when you’re thinking about having a baby and envisioning all of the cute things you’ll get to do together, but the truth is that babies hate snow. At least mine is very confused by it and wants it off of him as quickly as possible. So, there’s no denying that winter in the city with little munchkins is tough. They don’t like the wet cold, are too small to have fun in it and need a diaper change as soon as you finally get out there all bundled up. I have a high energy, easily bored 15 month old and a very, very small apartment. Not a perfect combination.

To escape these final weeks of ice and layers, here are some activities that I’ve heard are pretty great for toddlers who need to get out of the house and do something around Greenpoint or Williamsburg, Brooklyn. (And, yeah, us Parents could probably use this change of scenery too.)

1. Art Classes at Eckford Street Studios

Classes for kids from 6 months to 10 years. See their schedule to find the one that matches your kiddo’s age and skill level. Buy a pack of 5-10 classes or do a drop-in. I’ve noticed that the more we go, the better my son gets at being creative so I recommend doing at least a 5-class series to get the most out of it. Disclaimer: We go to this and love it!

2. Audra Rox at Caribou Baby & Mini Jake 

12 weeks for $325 “We will explore music through song & gesture, dance & movement, rhythm training, and instrument play; using original music that celebrates the lives of children growing up in an urban environment.” Both Caribou Baby and Mini Jake have full schedules of other options worth looking in to as well.

3. PLAY Greenpoint

From sports to art and music to foreign languages, PLAY has kid friendly classes for just about any type of well-rounding you want your child to have. We’re signed up for French on Fridays and my son LOVES it! If you pay for a class ($280 for 10 weeks),  you can add on unlimited use of their play gym for a hugely discounted rate ($100 for 10 weeks). It ends up being worth it if you go once every other week or just play after class. Just avoid it on the weekends if you have small children because it gets crazy crowded and wild.  You can also just buy a 10-pack or membership of gym visits if you don’t want to take a class. Disclaimer: We go to this and love it (but do avoid weekends)!

4. Library Story Time

@Greenpoint Library 10:30am on Wednesdays

@Leonard Library 10:30amon Wednesdays

5. Toddler Yoga (if you dare!)

Also at the Leonard Library on Devoe St. at Leonard St. 10:30amon Thursday

6. McCarren Park Play Center

For something like $50 for 6-months, I don’t know why every parent isn’t taking advantage of this! Check the play center schedule to find out what’s happening when and what works for your kiddo’s age group and skill level. Most days have activities set up for babies and toddlers at 9am, 10am and 11am. Take that inconvenient nap times! Now we just have to make it out of the house.

7. Greenpoint YMCA Swim Lessons

If AquaBeba seems too far out of the way and too pricey to boot, this is your class! It’s almost like a mini-mini-micro vacation? Sort of? Meh, it’s a great deal! $78 for 8 weeks of classes at the YMCA for kids aged 1yr 7mo – 3yrs on Saturdays from 10:35am – 11:05am

Where you like to take your toddler when it’s too cold to go outside? Please comment! 

winter activities for toddlers in brooklyn at Eckford Street STudios

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