Wonder Mom

Wonder Mom: Goal Getter Rebeca Rumayor
Rebeca Rumayor, IT Professional, grew up in the Bronx and is a resident of Queens in New York City where she has worked her tush off to get where she is today. Her 10 year old son attends one of the city’s 5 coveted gifted and talented schools. She lives

10 Treat Yo Self Gifts for Moms to Give Themselves (and each other)
It’s Women’s Week at MMC. Woohoo! Tip a glass to yourself in the mirror, mamas! Us Wonder Moms deserve some special treatment this holiday season…am I right?! I mean, I don’t know about you, but I don’t expect anyone to give me special treatment during the holidays. We need to

Wonder Mom: Potty Training Pro Jen L’Italien
Jen L’Italien hails from the woods of South Eastern Maine and works as an Oh Crap Potty Training certified consultant helping families around the country (and internationally) with this messy and rewarding milestone. She can help you with her super affordable potty training video course or 1:1 through her service

Wonder Mom: Visual and Performance Artist Jen Ray
Jen Ray is a visual and performance artist (and mom) who has been making her unapologetic bad ass art since about 2005 in New York City. She calls the city home but she was raised in North Carolina (and you can still hear it in her voice, just a little).

Wonder Mom: Nicole Alexander
Nicole Alexander is a woman who went from waiting tables to building them for Chicago’s top hospitality spaces, and she did it all with style. With a determination to own her own business, and a growing network of amazing architects and designers, Siren Betty Design was born in 2006. When