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I love it when the seasons change. I mean, sure, it was still almost 100 degrees here on Wednesday but you can tell that the change is coming. It’s getting dark earlier and the light is shifting to a more golden hue. And, that means that I’m thinking about a

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InspirationMomsProduct ReviewsShopping

It’s hard staying fashionable as a mom. It’s hard to find durable and stylish clothes that you can run around in on the playground, ride bikes in, spill food and drinks all over and are comfortable sitting cross-legged in for an hour during circle time at the library in. Ok,

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Mother’s Day shouldn’t be a time for collecting more useless junk. It’s a time to show us mamas how beautiful, amazing and irreplaceable we are and always will be. So, hook her up with a rad mom gift, like a session with a professional stylist, that makes her feel that way!

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InspirationKiddosMomsProduct ReviewsShopping

I wasn’t expecting this to pop into my inbox this  morning but wow am I happy that it did! Seriously!? A feminist children’s book that highlights, from A-Z, a roster of impactful, life changing, adversity fighting bad ass women who have changed the course of history for America. Rad American

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I know that it’s hard to believe with the outside “feels like” temperature of -10 F, but spring is just around the corner. YAY! That means that it’s time to start thinking about some new swim gear. As bittersweet as that feels as a mom who works out, oh, once

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