
A Simple Way to Learn the ABCs: Kids in Socks Giveaway!
So, I know it’s summertime and the idea of purchasing socks for your kids isn’t exactly always a top priority right now. But, if you’re a parent of a munchkin about to enter Kindergarten, or pre-k, in the Fall, these socks might be a super fun and simple way to

Mega Gift Guide: Unexpected Gifts for Kids
We all know what our kids want for the holidays. They’ve told us a million times, or we just know what they’re obsessed with. But! This is a list of unexpected gifts for kids that will surprise your kiddo and get loads of giddy giggles, too. And, don’t forget to

Guest Post: Talking Politics with Kids
In this heated election year talking to your kids about politics is pretty much non-negotiable. Even if your son or daughter is not asking direct questions, young minds are definitely tuned in to the presidential race. Kids are trying to make sense of everything they hear, and let’s face it—campaigns

Preschool Splurge: Enchanted Slumber Sleeping Bag for Toddlers
Being our first year of doing full-day pre-school, we had some adjusting to do when Back To School came around. First of all, I was told that I need to bring a blanket and sheet to be used during nap time. I had no idea! Once I get an idea

Review: Curious World app by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt
If you’re a regular here, you know I’m sort of luddite but I am also human and live in the 21st century. So, I can’t resist cool technology 100% of the time. Besides, I feel like it sort of does a disservice to our little ones to completely cut them