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If you live anywhere near Brooklyn, you should probably get this on your calendar STAT. Your Christmas cards, relatives and phone wallpaper will thank you! Rebecca Hales, photographer and fellow NYC mom, is offering her first ever mini-photo sessions for local families in McGolrick Park on Saturday May 14th. Finally, an easy

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I love it when the seasons change. I mean, sure, it was still almost 100 degrees here on Wednesday but you can tell that the change is coming. It’s getting dark earlier and the light is shifting to a more golden hue. And, that means that I’m thinking about a

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Here’s a Father’s Day ish round up of a couple quick Friday reads for you to sift through this weekend. Happy Father’s Day to all you rad papas out there! For Rad NYC Dads: “Go Skateboarding Day” is coming to Williamburg’s newest skate park at 50 Kent this Sunday, just in

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Mother’s Day shouldn’t be a time for collecting more useless junk. It’s a time to show us mamas how beautiful, amazing and irreplaceable we are and always will be. So, hook her up with a rad mom gift, like a session with a professional stylist, that makes her feel that way!

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