Gifts for Women

Rad Mom Gift: Styling Session
Mother’s Day shouldn’t be a time for collecting more useless junk. It’s a time to show us mamas how beautiful, amazing and irreplaceable we are and always will be. So, hook her up with a rad mom gift, like a session with a professional stylist, that makes her feel that way!

Dress-Up Your Bike Commute
When I didn’t have the luxury of working from home, I LOVED bike commuting to work. And, I miss it a lot! It’s usually faster and you can change into work clothes at the office and feel more fresh than most of your coworkers who have sweat stains of strangers from

Feminist Children’s Book: Rad American Women
I wasn’t expecting this to pop into my inbox this morning but wow am I happy that it did! Seriously!? A feminist children’s book that highlights, from A-Z, a roster of impactful, life changing, adversity fighting bad ass women who have changed the course of history for America. Rad American

Trend Alert: Timbos on Your Toes
Every so often something catches my eye. And then it catches my eye again, and again, until I can’t deny that a trend is taking shape. Over the last few weeks I’ve seen no less than a dozen people around Williamsburg and Greenpoint rocking old school Timberland boots. Yup, the

Valentine’s Day from Steamy to Sustainable
For those of you who are looking for something out of the ordinary to wrap up for your sweetheart, I have found an awesome array of stuff. Read on for Valentine’s Day gift ideas for guys, the ladies and even something for both of you. Almost all of these gifts