Fashion for Kids

Rad Kid Style Sale: Mini X Style
I just went nuts pinning stuff to the Metro Mom Club Kid Style Pinterest Board from MINI X STYLE. These peeps live and breathe rad kid style. They know how to make kids looks insanely cool without trying to look like little adults. From wild prints to wacky cuts, their

Couture Baby Ballerina
It’s a good thing that I don’t have a daughter (yet) because I would be blowing every penny I have on all of these adorable accouturements that I keep discovering. But, instead, I can share them with you and dream. Fair enough! These two priceless little gems turn any baby girl

Best Of: Nununu at Minou Kids
One of my favorite online kids clothing stores, Minou Kids, just got a bunch of new stuff from NUNUNU and I love it! Nununu is hipster baby gear at its best. It’s fun, it’s not corny, it’s not embarrassing, it’s well made, it’s creative and it’s probably something we would want to

Popular Pin: Punk Rock Onesie
Punks have babies too, you know. And their babies need onesies! Here’s another all time favorite of mine from metromomclub on Pinterest. Everyone will love reading all of the ridiculous information on this faux punk show flier snap suit. From the headlining act “Loaded Diaper” and supporting acts “Flakey and the

Popular Pin: Girl’s Forest Dress
This little girl in her adorable forest dress has been one of my most popular pins on the metromomclub pinterest account and it’s no wonder why! The deer print is insanely cute. She’s pretty cute, too. I mean, just look at those cheeks! I found it on a blog called Toertjes