advice for moms

How to Deal with a Phone Obsessed Spouse
We’ve all seen them…(maybe in our own bedrooms)…people who are addicted to their phones. They can’t stop using them. They’re the last thing they touch each day and the first thing they touch each morning. Not to mention that the phone is distracting them from important conversations, meals, TV shows,

10 Ways to Beat the Winter Blues
Between Snowpocalypses, Bomb Cyclones, and soooooo many snow days, this winter has been a doozy and it’s only January (send help). If you’ve been stuck inside and have already run through every season of The Crown on Netflix, you may be experiencing a little SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder). Beat the

Combating Baby Brain With Help From Dr. Michelle Braun
I had totally forgotten how bad pregnancy brain was… until I was pregnant this year with my second baby. Pregnancy brain, baby brain, whatever you want to call it, we all struggle with keeping focus as our minds are all over the place. This is why I did some research

Cheers to Chocolate: Halloween Candy and Wine Pairing Guide
Halloween is the time for costumes, parades, trick-or-treating, and wine. Obviously. We’re pouring up our twist on the Halloween candy and wine pairing frenzy by toasting treat and grape brands that give back, plus celebrating those companies that make BOOzing a one-stop shop for alcohol-infused bites of happiness. You really can’t

How Gifted and Talented Test Prep is More than Test Prep
We’ve been trying out Bright Kids Tutoring Service here in NYC and our son is having a lot of fun learning and playing there while unknowingly doing gifted and talented test prep. But we can’t help but ask ourselves if this is worth the trek and the time. Honestly, we