
Classic Disney Mousercise Disco Track

mousercise record coverI’ll be the first to admit that I have always had a borderline OCD relationship with exercise and have rarely met a dance floor that I can’t get down on. And, I think that I owe it all to the Disney Mousercise LP that my mom bought me in 1982. I guess it was riffing off of the Jazzercise culture that wrapped American housewives in shiny leotards and legwarmers. But if I remember correctly, my mom bought a Richard Simmons record when she bought me this one, not anything Jazzercise. Maybe this is where my adoration of gay men was established? Just saying.

Anyway, my friends would come over to play and all I would want to do would be Mousercise over and over and over. Eventually, they would get bored or exhausted and go home and I would do a couple more rounds, solo. I remember not having any issues with doing the exercises along with both sides of this record four times in a row.

Now that I have a baby of my own, I’ve been remembering all of these crazy and fun things that I loved as a kid. Well, Bug A Boo is absolutely somewhere at the top of my list. Combine this with the Sesame Street and Pointer Sisters Pinball Counting Song and you’re on your way to a pretty sweet throw back dance party.

And, in case you need a little Jazzercise inspiration…you can’t go wrong with Move Your Boogie Body. Wow. I’m scared.

Aaand if you are dying to own this LP its sweet original vinyl format, you can pick it up on Amazon for a steep price: 

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