Friday Reads

How Much Do Americans Spend Every Second?
Follow my blog with Bloglovin! When I ask my self this question, I sort of don’t want to know the answer. But, I do. I mean, really, how much do Americans spend every second? What do we shell out to eat, drink, shop and fulfill our destinies as tireless consumers?

Friday Reads: Yoga and Mindfulness for Kids
Emotions in toddlers are a fireworks display to say the least. That’s why helping them understand how they feel and how to handle those powerful feelings is so important. These are skills that will benefit them for their entire lives. Two things that I discovered later in life were yoga

Friday Reads: Educating and Ignoring Your Kids
It’s summertime and we’re going to the beach or park or lake, i.e. attempting to relax, while our children are having the time of their lives filling their bathing suits up with sand and their buckets with treasure. Life is good. This week’s Friday reads range from simple travel tips to

Friday Reads: Pay It and Play It Forward
I’ve found a couple little nuggets for you to enjoy when you find a few minutes to yourself this weekend. From teaching your kids math with art to why doing good things for other people makes us feel so crazy awesome to some cocktail recipes that make everything taste and

Friday Reads: Screentime, Playtime, Spacetime
This week’s Friday Reads don’t have much in common. Well, they sort of do. Ok, two of them do anyway. I save the grown up article for last, but they’re all informative and may blow your mind a little and make you feel like “oh man, what am I doing?!”