To Do

Rain Rain Go Away….10 Rainy Day Activities for Kids
April showers that bring May’s flowers can make for some long days inside. If you’re not up for a few splashes in the puddles, try some of these rainy day activities guaranteed to make those rainy spring days just as fun! These ten rainy day activities for kids are being posted thanks to

Family Photos in Greenpoint!
If you live anywhere near Brooklyn, you should probably get this on your calendar STAT. Your Christmas cards, relatives and phone wallpaper will thank you! Rebecca Hales, photographer and fellow NYC mom, is offering her first ever mini-photo sessions for local families in McGolrick Park on Saturday May 14th. Finally, an easy

Meet the Japanese Decluttering Queen
If you’re like the rest of the world, you’ve read or at least heard about Marie Kondo’s life changing method for decluttering and getting rid of all of your junk once and for all. Her book The Life Changing Magic of Tidying Up is actually an exercise in finding what

To Do in NY: Tea School
Nothing makes me relax like a cup of tea with a friend. Not that I do it very often. But when I find the time, I really, really love it. Maybe it’s from my times living in England and China, maybe it’s because my mom was a tea lover, maybe

Date Night: The Lost Lectures NY
Get a babysitter and do something that will make you feel like your old, rad self again! Get tickets to The Lost Lectures NY – part two for a date night that you’ll be talking about for years. In case you aren’t familiar, “The Lost Lectures is a secret evening event