stocking stuffers

Gifts for Seriously Hard to Shop for People for Under $50
You might have seen me on TV or heard me on the radio recently talking about gifts under $50. Well, trendy wish-list items often cost a pretty penny, and finding more economical alternatives on your own can seem nearly impossible. But I have the inside scoop on finding the perfect gifts

Holiday Survival Tips for Mom
You may have caught me on TV recently talking about products that mom Must-Haves to get through the crazy holiday season. Between juggling work, shopping, travel and kids, the holidays can feel more stressful than sentimental. But, I’ve partnered with some great companies to give you a short list of

Eco-Straws That Make Your Drinks Flex
If you have kids, you know how cool straws are. They blow bubbles, they make drinking out of a full cup so much easier and they make even the most boring drink look exciting. If they just weren’t so horribly plastic and toxic, right? I always feel a little bit

STEAM Toy: Compose Yourself
I came across this game at the New York International Toy Fair this year and was so excited to see a toy that so brilliantly fits the STEAM toy requirements of engaging science, technology, engineering, art and math. We all know that learning to read, play and write music pretty

Gift Idea: AREAWARE Made in Brooklyn!
I love Christmas shopping. I love all of the unique little well-designed gifts and ideas that you just don’t see the rest of the year. I also love a good sale. I’m not above a bargain! So, I was super psyched when I got an email from my friends at