Gift Ideas

Win Santa’s Sleigh Holiday Giveaway
Because the holiday shopping season is upon us and I couldn’t help but catch the spirit, I put together this holiday giveaway where you can win a total of 11 gifts with a total grand prize value of more than $585! This grand prize has something for just about anyone on your

To Do in NY: Tea School
Nothing makes me relax like a cup of tea with a friend. Not that I do it very often. But when I find the time, I really, really love it. Maybe it’s from my times living in England and China, maybe it’s because my mom was a tea lover, maybe

Friday Reads: Educating and Ignoring Your Kids
It’s summertime and we’re going to the beach or park or lake, i.e. attempting to relax, while our children are having the time of their lives filling their bathing suits up with sand and their buckets with treasure. Life is good. This week’s Friday reads range from simple travel tips to

Won! Baby Teeth Keepsake Ended 6/29
Although my little one is still getting his baby teeth in I know exactly what I want him to use when they start falling out: The Tug and the Tooth gift set. It comes with an adorable plush “Tooth” who wears a backpack for safely keeping lost teeth where the Tooth Fairy

Win! Desk Toys for Dorky Dads Ended 6/15
Our generation has produced a flock of men who are brilliant at understanding the most detailed nuances of technology while still remaining a silly 13-year-old. And, many of us call this new breed of man our husband and the father of our children. With Father’s Day right around the bend, June 21st, here