Education (for Kids)

Precious Infant Playtime Giveaway
Baby toys can be so much fun to shop for. They’re so cute, colorful and fun! But, now that I’m on my second baby, I don’t just go for cute factor, I want to make sure that the toys I bring into my home are safe, eco-friendly, and have an

How Gifted and Talented Test Prep is More than Test Prep
We’ve been trying out Bright Kids Tutoring Service here in NYC and our son is having a lot of fun learning and playing there while unknowingly doing gifted and talented test prep. But we can’t help but ask ourselves if this is worth the trek and the time. Honestly, we

Super Fun Rhyme Time for Preschoolers
I grew up watching PBS. I’m a die hard fan for life. Sesame Street taught me a lot and I loved it so as my kids grow I remember certain skits that I just have to share with them and you, dear readers. So, if your kiddo is starting to get

Wonder Mom: Bethany Koby
This Wonder ‘Mum’ comes to us from across the pond! An entrepreneur and mother of five-year-old, Ash, Bethany Koby is the CEO of “Technology Will Save Us,” a company that’s on a mission to spark the creative imagination of young people by using hands-on technology. Teaching kids how to build

Preschool Back to School Routine Energizers
Getting into the swing of things when kids head back to school is tough. It’s even more tough if it’s your first or second year of pre-school for your family because of separation anxiety, unfamiliar time crunch and wake up times, not to mention so many new people and environments.