Posts Tagged

Busy Kids


Emotions in toddlers are a fireworks display to say the least. That’s why helping them understand how they feel and how to handle those powerful feelings is so important. These are skills that will benefit them for their entire lives. Two things that I discovered later in life were yoga

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For a lot of little ones, including mine, daycare starts to become a part of life at 2 years old. Along with the normal concerns about bullying, separation anxiety and potty training, come some pretty fun concerns like needing to buy a backpack. When we were at a recent meet-up

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Three articles for this edition of Friday Reads that every stylish doing-it-all-and-fabulously mom out there needs to read. The first talks about the power of being bored, quiet and alone in a world of over scheduling and media inundation. The second is about a new line of sex toys that

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