
2 Summer Adventure Gear Splurges
I like to get a good deal as much as the next gal, but sometimes, I can’t help myself. I have to pay full price and I have to get things that other people might think I was a little crazy to purchase. I’m a sucker for a good design

Friday Reads: Screentime, Playtime, Spacetime
This week’s Friday Reads don’t have much in common. Well, they sort of do. Ok, two of them do anyway. I save the grown up article for last, but they’re all informative and may blow your mind a little and make you feel like “oh man, what am I doing?!”

3 Tips to Keep Toddler Feet Safe All Summer
It is officially summer! Rad moms everywhere are taking their toddlers to parks, beaches and swimming pools to have fun in the sun and stay cool. But, as fun as all of this running around can be, are we damaging our kids’ feet or our own because of the shoes

Manners Monday: Eye Contact
It’s time to start the week with another Manners Monday post. This week, we’re working on looking into people’s eyes. It’s a common courtesy to make eye contact when we’re talking. It makes people feel like they matter and their words matter. And, it makes us feel that way when people look

Happy 4th of July, Friends!
Wishing you all a delicious 4th of July full of fun and festivities with your families. We just made our first family trip to the ice cream truck and it was YUMMY. We couldn’t believe that he ate his whole cone all by himself. There’s no doubt that we have