
Guest Post: Talking Politics with Kids
In this heated election year talking to your kids about politics is pretty much non-negotiable. Even if your son or daughter is not asking direct questions, young minds are definitely tuned in to the presidential race. Kids are trying to make sense of everything they hear, and let’s face it—campaigns

Holiday Dinner Etiquette Tips: Keeping Peace at the Table
The holidays are upon us and during this time of the year we seek out our extended family, friends, old neighbors, past coworkers and others who’ve been a special part of our lives. Family gatherings are a meaningful way to celebrate the season but they don’t always go as planned

Manners Monday: Write Thank You Notes
I’m a big fan of thank you notes. For one, they’re something nice to get in the mail vs all of the other junk. But they’re also a chance for us to sit down, focus and express gratitude for something nice that another person has done. People’s lives are so crazy busy

Manners Monday: Say Hello
It’s been a couple of weeks, sorry about that! We had a holiday and then school started and I’m sure your lives were equally as hectic as ours. It’s a miracle that any posting happened last these last two weeks. But! We’re ready to get back on track and kick

Manners Monday: Using Utensils
This week, for Manners Monday, we’re teaching our kids to kick the habit of using their hands to eat and to reach for utensils before reaching for a bite. Sure, for some foods it doesn’t matter like crackers or bread. But, in general, most foods should be eaten with utensils and