How Safe is Your Lip Balm?
You apply it umpteen times a day, carry it in your purse, even share it with your kids—but how safe is your lip balm, really? Most women I know hoard lip balm—they’ve got one in the car, one in the kitchen drawer, there’s one rolling around in the car, the
Family Photos in Greenpoint!
If you live anywhere near Brooklyn, you should probably get this on your calendar STAT. Your Christmas cards, relatives and phone wallpaper will thank you! Rebecca Hales, photographer and fellow NYC mom, is offering her first ever mini-photo sessions for local families in McGolrick Park on Saturday May 14th. Finally, an easy
Guest Post: 13 Family Travel Safety Tips
In the coming months families everywhere will be making plans to get away for Spring Break vacation, Memorial Day getaways and, of course, summer trips. When going away during a busy travel time to a place many other families will be going, the chance of losing a child becomes a
Guest Post: 5 Ways You’re Making Your Kid Unhealthy
As health coaches, we see families engaging in a range of behaviors that tend to be automatic, and therefore hidden, but still undermine a child’s commitment to a healthier life. Simply having awareness around the 5 hidden behaviors that undermine your child’s health can boost the success for everyone’s health
Guest Post: Take Back Your Home After Baby
Before you had kids, you probably never realized how much stuff a little baby can have. Next thing you know, you need to proceed with caution as not to trip on baby gear in every room in your house. There’s the diaper changing needs, toys, blankets and burp cloths, binkies