
Manners Monday: Using Utensils
This week, for Manners Monday, we’re teaching our kids to kick the habit of using their hands to eat and to reach for utensils before reaching for a bite. Sure, for some foods it doesn’t matter like crackers or bread. But, in general, most foods should be eaten with utensils and

Manners Monday: Be Nice, Don’t Snatch
Welcome back! Manners Monday is helping young kids, and their parents, be more polite. This week might, hopefully, be for the younger side of spectrum but it has been coming up a lot in my world lately so I feel compelled to address it. We’re talking about snatching things out

Manners Monday: No Feet on Furniture
I sort of can’t believe that I’m writing this post because “5 Little Monkeys” was my absolute favorite song as a kid and I took it to heart in the most wrong way. I LOVED jumping on the bed. And, to this day, I sort of don’t think there’s anything

Manners Monday: Good Morning to You!
This week for Manners Monday we’re looking at starting the day off on the good foot. There’s a lot to be said about getting out of bed and facing the day with a smile. Teaching our kids to greet the people that they meet each day with a “good morning” will

Manners Monday: Mother, May I
Do you remember that game? How messed up is it that one person identified as the “mother” gets to dictate the rules and decide whether you get what you want even if you ask politely?! Ha. If you don’t remember the rules here you go: the kids line up at