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Do you think your kiddo is in the top 2% of thinkers his or her age? Are they constantly asking complicated questions and diving deep into content and ideas that seem beyond their years? Can they focus on a project for a crazy amount of time (we’re not talking about

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Choosing to enroll your 3 or 4 year old in a G&T Prep program is a completely personal decision. Some believe that freedom outside of a structured learning environment gives kids the creative thinking skills to excel in life. Others believe that being taught concepts and vocabulary associated with problem

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AdviceKiddosProduct ReviewsShopping

We are all inundated with articles and advice about the importance of teaching kids STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math)/STEAM (add “art”)/STREAM (add “robotics). As Type A overachieving parents (who, us?), we tend to put a lot of pressure on ourselves to set our kids up for success in school

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AdviceKiddosProduct Reviews

We’ve been trying out Bright Kids Tutoring Service here in NYC and our son is having a lot of fun learning and playing there while unknowingly doing gifted and talented test prep.  But we can’t help but ask ourselves if this is worth the trek and the time. Honestly, we

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I grew up watching PBS. I’m a die hard fan for life. Sesame Street taught me a lot and I loved it so as my kids grow I remember certain skits that I just have to share with them and you, dear readers. So, if your kiddo is starting to get

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